About 350 companies in all fields of the games industry are based in the capital region, 176 of which in the core market (developers and publishers). This means that around one fifth of Germany's games companies is located in the capital region. Around 2,600 employees work in the core market, and around 4.150 in the games sector in total. This means that 22 percent of all employees in the German games industry work in Berlin-Brandenburg. The core market in Berlin-Brandenburg had total sales of €446 million in 2021. This corresponds to around 12 percent of the total sales of the industry in Germany. The capital region has 21  public institutions and 30 federal institutions to offer in the games sector.(The Berlin-Brandenburg location is valued above all for its good networking opportunities. (Information from the study "Games-Industry in Berlin-Brandenburg", April 2023)

In this overview, you can find some research, analyses and studies about Berlin’s gaming industry and gaming related topics. Some studies are not limited to Berlin and are about the German market.


In a federal state comparison, Berlin-Brandenburg (MBB = Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, the regional funding institution) had the highest funding rate in 2023 with 5.3 million euros. Original image from gamesmarkt.de.

Games Industry in Berlin-Brandenburg - An investigation of the econmoic factor (in German) (in English)

A study conducted by Goldmedia Gmbh Strategy Consulting on behalf of medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. and funded by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg between October 25 and November 14, 2022, with 61 participating companies. The survey focuses on industry structure, age structure (of the companies), employees, sales structure, return on sales and location factors. 

by medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V., Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and Goldmedia (April 2023)

The Computer and Video Games Industry in Berlin (in German)

A study by the Forschungs- und Kompetenzzentrum Audiovisuelle Produktion of the Hamburg Media School, on behalf of the initiative “Projekt Zukunft” from the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises about the Computer and Video Game Industry in Berlin.

by Projekt Zukunft (March 2018) 


Games Industry in the Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg

Berlin is a place where startups work alongside established game developers and where political institutions, federal associations and networks have their headquarters. International industry conferences and events attract professionals in the creative fields, investors and specialists from around the globe. Berlin is also home to a pool of young talent, trained in the region.

by Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie, Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Projekt Zukunft (Brochure of 2021 with updated numbers of 2024)


StartUP! Guide

game - The German Games Industry Association has asked 30 experts from the German games industry to share their experiences, their valuable insights, their tools as well as tips, tricks and tricks with which they have managed to achieve sustainable success in the industry. On around 280 pages, you will find extensive information on the topics of "Founding & Getting Started", "Financing & Funding", "Design & Development", "Network & Community", "Marketing & Sales" and "Law & Taxes".

by game (in German, 2022)


3D Sound Increases the Immersion of Moving Images Considerably – but Which Format is the Right One?

On behalf of ARTE, House of Research has analysed developments in the 3D sound technology market. They are of importance for the cinema, the home electronics market and especially for the streaming of moving images: 360° video and virtual reality applications are becoming considerably more immersive due to 3D sound. The study is based in particular on interviews with key international market players and experts from research and industry.

by House of Research (May 2019)


Virtual and Augmented Reality (in German)

The market for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality is evolving quickly. In 2016, more than 1.8 billion US-Dollar were invested in VR-companies worldwide. Virtual and Augmented Reality – Inventory and Best Practises.

by Projekt Zukunft (March 2018)


Study on the provider market for VR, AR & MR in Germany

A coalition of all German trade associations in the industry has now published the first “VR/AR Market Report Germany Q1 2020“. In addition to some basic data on the industry, it provides a comprehensive reference work on the relevant players and providers in Germany and gives a regionally structured overview.

by House of Research (July 2020)


Reason why Berlin

With around 270 games companies, Berlin is the capital of games in Germany. From startups to international players and many medium-sized tech businesses in between, the city offers developers the chance to work on some of the world’s most innovative projects. Find out more about what the city offers for players and professionals.
