Womenize! considers name change and mentorship program

Womenize! could possibly return in May as a presence event with talks, workshops, an exhibition area and networking opportunities i nBerlin. Work is also underway to revive Womenize! in other federal states. Even a collaboration with the film and music industry is conceivable, as there are very similar challenges there.

Another point to be examined is the introduction of a mentorship program, in which not only women, but also non-binary people from the games industry should receive support at all stages of their career.

This is also linked to the vision of developing Womenize! into an even more inclusive platform. "As the current name "Womenize!" could give the impression that it focuses exclusively on women, a new name is to be chosen. This transformation aims to address and promote all marginalized people in the gaming industry," says Egger.

Original arcticle on gamesmarkt.de.

January 2024
