Talk & Play is a free event that provides the opportunity to game enthusiasts, players and makers to meet in a friendly, relaxed and safe environment. Everybody's welcome, regardless of their background and knowledge level: if you've got any interest in games, we'll make sure you have a good time! This is NOT an event only aimed at developers.
Additional info and registration here.
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The event is composed of two parts:
- TALK: Short game-related presentations + announcements from the community
- PLAY: All participants are welcome to exhibit games and projects they've made
If you ever attended the event before 2020, there's a big difference now: the PLAY showcase will run from the start and continue throughout the evening, also during the TALK part. We can do this due to the space layout of the new venue.
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- 18:30 Doors open, project showcase starts
- 19:30 to 20:30 Talks, project pitches & community announcements
- 22:30 Event ends
Alex Williams: Own What You Create — Cooperate!
A talk about worker owned cooperatives in Germany — the what, the how, the why, and the people trying to create new narratives about how we work.
Alex is a game developer with over 10 years experience in design, creative direction, narrative, and 3D art. He wants to make games a space for everyone and for creators to own their labor.
Deep Sky // Berlin Game Worker Cooperatives Discord
Conrad Wood: Planetary Processing
Planetary Processing is an exciting young startup from UK. It has developed a new Software as a service for "multiplayer online games at large scale" and launches the beta version here in Berlin. Conrad Wood, CEO and one of the founders, is with us today and he will give us a short introduction.
Conrad Wood is a serial entrepreneur and engineer with multiple decades of experience in building complex systems.
Planetary Processing
There will also be a section dedicated to short announcements from the community, get in touch to reserve a spot: — same goes if your company is hiring and you'd like to get a sponsored slot to announce your openings!
Various projects will be exhibited throughout the entire evening. Fill this form if you'd like to apply for the showcase (don't worry if you didn't manage to RSVP for the event, if your project is selected you will be added to the attendee list):
Confirmed projects:
- Dogtag by Hoang & Jan
- Escaping Atlantis by Roofkat
- MiniMiniGolfGolf by Three More Years Studio
- PETRI by Simon Theis Hansen, Beth von Undall, Orgaphine, Morph
- Planetary Processing Ltd
- Riding in the park with parrots by lislis
- Tongue Tale by Remke